Android parallax scrolling tutorial
Android parallax scrolling tutorial

  1. Android parallax scrolling tutorial android#
  2. Android parallax scrolling tutorial windows#

Navigate to project -> App -> Res -> Drawable. Start by creating a title resource file in the drawable package.Linear layout - This sets the orientation of the content inside the content area to either horizontal or vertical orientation.Nested scroll view - This provides a smooth scrolling effect to the contents inside the content area.Collapsing toolBar layout - Here a “Frame Layout” collapses after a scrolling flag is specified and snaps the contents whenever it reaches a collapsing limit.It uses the programming concept of inheritance, where the child will inherit the properties and methods from the parent. In our case, it will only have the title of the application. If interested, you can add logos and titles. AppBarLayout - It will contain current screen actions.It will help in anchoring all other layout widgets. ordinator layout - Depending on the interactions by anchored views, it performs various activities.In our case, we shall set it to “Inter_word”.

Android parallax scrolling tutorial android#

  • android:justificationMode - It is a new feature that only applies to devices with Android 8.0 and above that improves the user’s experience by making data easier to understand.
  • android:contentInsetStartWithNavigation - This means that the content of the view in a bar with a navigation button has a minimum inset (like Up) and is only utilized in API levels 24 or greater.
  • When the bottom of the toolbar is aligned with the bottom of the screen, it begins to move. When set to Pin, it means that, as long as the collapsible toolbar is active, the content will not change.
  • app:layout_collapseMode - When set to Parallax means that the content advances faster than CollapsingToolbarLayout.
  • Whenever it is fully collapsed, it snaps depending on the severity of the scroll and can return to the expanded mode when the nested scroll view is scrolled down.
  • app:layout_scrollFlags - When set to scroll|exitUntilCollapsed|snap, it means that the collapsing toolbar can be in scroll mode we can enhance it by nested scroll view being scrolled up.
  • Android parallax scrolling tutorial windows#

  • android:fitsSystemWindows - It configures the view padding to ensure it keeps system windows from being obscured by content when set to true.
  • Note: Please read the following terminologies to understand how the application design layout works. Designing the XML layout Key attributes for our XML The two dependencies ensure that Android apps are developed safely and securely and work with color palette API.

    android parallax scrolling tutorial

    Implementation 'androidx.palette:palette-ktx: 1.0. In the “Gradle Scripts”, double-click adle(Module: app) and add the following plugin. Choose Kotlin as the default language for the project.In this tutorial, we will name ours “Collapsing Toolbar”.

    android parallax scrolling tutorial

  • Choose a suitable name for the project.
  • Select Empty Activity -> Next in the project template dialogue box.
  • A virtual device (emulator) downloaded in your IDE.
  • android parallax scrolling tutorial

    Android Studio installed on your computer.A basic background knowledge in Kotlin.To follow along with this tutorial, the reader will need the following: In this tutorial, we will build an application that utilizes the collapsing toolbar layout widget, our app will also include the new Android’s design support library to create scrolling effects that are eye-catching animations using the palette API. A collapsing toolbar layout widget can be used along with a basic toolbar widget to create a more sophisticated version of the regular toolbar.Įxpanding and collapsing toolbar on-screen scrolling is a fantastic toolbar motion made possible by this widget, it automatically increases the toolbar size set in the app bar layout widget.

    Android parallax scrolling tutorial